I might be pregnant with my narcissistic ex's baby after rekindling our relationship

DEAR DEIDRE: I MIGHT be pregnant with my narcissistic exs baby. Im 37 and I dont know why I put up with him for so long. Hes 41. 1 Ive always paid for everything. I bought him a 3,000 necklace on a credit card and paid for food and bills trying everything to make

DEAR DEIDRE: I MIGHT be pregnant with my narcissistic ex’s baby.

I’m 37 and I don’t know why I put up with him for so long. He’s 41.

I’ve always paid for everything. I bought him a £3,000 necklace on a credit card and paid for food and bills – trying everything to make him happy.

We were engaged but I knew we’d never marry.

Sex was always all about him and never me. I got pregnant and had a miscarriage, and he blamed me.

He ended our relationship via text and then we rekindled our relationship weeks later and had sex.

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Cruelly, he then said he would never be happy with me because of the miscarriage, and ended it again.

Now I’m two days late for my period.

Most read in Dear Deidre

DEIDRE SAYS: You need some urgent help to establish whether you are pregnant and, if you are, what you want to do about it.

My support pack Unplanned Pregnancy explains more.

This guy shows narcissistic traits, as you say, and is never going to give you the relationship that you deserve.

Although you weren’t to blame in any way for your miscarriage, you may have dodged a bullet, now that he’s gone.

My support pack Addictive Love will help you to realise you’re better off without him.

